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[pct-l] celebrities on the trail
I go to the trail to get away from celebrities. That little tart
Jennifer Aniston is constantly following me around like a love sick
puppy. I am daily required to advise Dick Cheney and Karl Rove about
what the President should say about this or that. It's exhausting.
And then I have to clean up after Danny Glover's dog. Don't get me
started. The PCT is famous enough. Already we had Congressmen Greg
Walden (R-OR) and Earl "The Pearl" Blumenauer (D-OR) hiking around
Mt. Hood this summer in some kind of bipartisan lovefest and I
suspect the only reason they were out there was that a newspaper
reporter, Mark Larabee form the Boregonian, was out section hiking
with a photographer. What if the PCT becomes the Next Big Thing in
Hollywood? Can you imagine it? Governor Schwarzenegger announcing
his candidacy for president from atop Mt. Whitney? NBA players
arguing vociferously with Rangers about bear canisters? American
Idol filmed live at Agua Dulce? OJ Simpson roaming the hills in
search of the real killer? David Letterman replaced with a new show
called "Squeaky Speaks?" Where will it end?
Geraldo Rivera: This is Geraldo Rivera reporting to you live from
Kennedy Meadows where we have come to check out reports that actor
Russell Crowe has bypassed Fuller Ridge thus invalidating his nobo
thru-hike. While we are waiting for Russell to "eat crow" on live
television (har har) we have arranged an interview with PCT hiking
guru, Yogi, live from Kansas City. Good Morning, Yogi.
Yogi: Good Morning, Geraldo.
GH: Yogi, our investigators have uncovered secret information that
Russell Crowe did not hike Fuller Ridge, but took an alternate
route. What does this do to Crowe's hopes of scoring a nobo thru-
hike this year?
Y: Well, Geraldo, this isn't exactly big news. Russell discussed
this decision in his own online trail journal weeks ago. It's really
no big deal. Fuller Ridge is icy, snowy and dangerous this year and
until the snow melts it should only be attempted by experienced
mountaineers with proper equipment. There are no rules for a
successful thru-hike. Everybody should HYOH.
G: Well, there you have if folks. According to trail expert Yogi,
Russell Crowe's nobo thru-hike attempt is no longer big news and is
no big deal. Crowe did not come properly equipped for the hike and
lacked the skills necessary to negotiate crucial Fuller Ridge. He is
now hiking his own hike which cannot be characterized as a thru-hike.
Y: What????!!!!
G: Thanks, Yogi, here comes Russell Crowe! Mr. Crowe! Mr. Crowe!
On Dec 9, 2005, at 10:07 PM, Joseph Niemiec wrote:
> Just curious,
> Have any celebrities ever hiked the trail? Or has anyone spotted
> one while on the trail?
> Mouse
> www.trailjournals.com/joeniemiec
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