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[pct-l] Whitney area lightening deaths

Read this morning that a Boy Scout leader was killed by lightening and a 13
year old scout is brain dead after their tent was struck. From the story,
the group was four miles west of Mt. Whitney when this happened. Maybe a
few miles out of Crabtree. The scouts did CPR on their fellow Boy Scout for
over an hour while several of the others when back to the ranger station
where they called in rescue. It was reported that four helicopters took the
group out. The 13 year old boy had told his parents if anything ever
happened to him he wanted his organs donated. His wish is being honored.
This has been a bad week for the Boy Scouts.

John Vonhof
New Happy Feet blog: http://www.vonhof.typepad.com/happy_feet/
Fixing Your Feet: Prevention and Treatments for Athletes, 3rd edition
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