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[pct-l] PCT upgrade

Been mulling over this whole PCT upgrade thing.
When I make my billions on the next dotcom boom I'll do it!
First I think I'd pave it, and install heaters under the really icy 
sections. Make it ADA compliant end to end and qualify for some tax 
Cut down some of those trees so people could see something, and sell 
off the lumber (gotta lower that bottom line! heh!)
Hostels are so . . .  primitive, so 60-ish. Maybe sell Best Western 
franchises for a rest stop every ten miles or so, and plant toll booths 
at every in and out point kinda like those expressways back east, to 
help with the maintenance costs dontchaknow...
Don't want to get too carried away though. Bushies might step in and 
plant Interstate 7 signs all up and down it. Heywaitaminit, federal 
highway funds.....hmm. There must be trillions in that barrel!
This could be a real money-maker!
Hiker97, Greg, Jeff, Joann, Lonetrail, Switchback, Yogi and Ground 
Pounder can all be on my board of directors, and I'll sell chairs to 
anyone else (honorary chair to the first person who carries a tuba end 
to end...) Looks like a business plan to me!

Seriously, Hiker97 at the beginning of this thread had a viable idea I 
think, but from what I've seen, most of the weather and trail condition 
info is here for the most part, just needs to be organized. Many of us 
use section and PCT Databook mileage references for our reports, maybe 
just link them up somehow and post them on the web, indexed by mile 
I know there is a full size html version of the PCT map around - maybe 
there's a way to visit the page, point at the trail section or mile 
point you're interested in, and click to see recent postings? As for 
how to do that, I'm not an html mechanic, but somebody might have some 

Mo Jo

On Monday, July 11, 2005, at 06:54  AM, Bill & Cathy wrote:

> Hi John  and all the Trail crews out there. I had a thought while I 
> was on the trail. May be nothing but still a thought. Why not find a 
> tree or some tall bush that will grow anywhere and plant it by the 
> side of the trail that would designate the trail. People wouldn't be 
> pulling them up and taking them home. It would beautify the trail and 
> they might last longer. The only draw back is if they would spread in 
> their area then which way would you go? I know just a thought. Ground 
> Pounder Bill
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: GOALIEJHACHEY@aol.com
>   To: tahoe.cat@verizon.net
>   Sent: Sunday, July 10, 2005 7:50 PM
>   Subject: Re: [pct-l] Report on Continual PCT Conditions Idea
>   Hello tahoe.cat.
>   Thanks for the update on that section of trail. Been putting new 
> signs and clearing brush in different areas. Will be going back to 
> re-locate that missing part of the trail (down the dry creek) in the 
> next couple of weeks. As far as that detour up the steep road, we're 
> waiting for the forest service to take their trail machine in to clear 
> out the two slides (after the road detour).
>   Thanks, again.
>   John (trailratz) section chief "C"
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