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[pct-l] PCT urban legend?
The Snopes.com folks have apparently tracked down the original source
of the photo and it's presumed to be authentic. Details in the updated
report here: http://www.snopes.com/photos/natural/flowers.asp
If their source is accurate, it's not in the Tehachipis near the
PCT--although similar scenes abound there under the right conditions.
(The location is about 70 air miles west of the PCT--west of
Bakersfield, in fact, and not in the Tehachipis at all--roughly in the
center of this map:
< http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=35.230000,-119.738000&spn=1.113281,2.138852&z=8&hl=en
And as far as I can tell, no one has examined the original image to
see if it's been PhotoShopped--but it certainly could be real.
On 05.05.03, Paul Magnanti wrote:
> > Or that fact that it comes from the Tehachipi mountain
> > area? That is the part I would like to have
> > confirmed.