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[pct-l] Through Hikers and ADZPCTKO

The discussion is getting down to the central point, which
is the pulse effect - which is going to exist anyway, but
may be made somewhat worse by ADZPCTKO.

There is one related objectionable sentiment which I have
encountered from time to time, more in actions than by
words, by a few but sometimes visible/audible people.
That notion is that the PCT exists primarily for through
hikers, or that they are the most important clientele.

That's just wrong.    In any particular year, of the tens
of thousands of PCT users, fewer than 300 successfully
complete a through-hike, no matter how defined.    Section
hikers dwarf through hikers in numbers, and weekend
backpackers and dayhikers outnumber section hikers.  I
think the most heavily used section of the PCT might be
Vasquez Rocks, though Eagle Creek might come close if you
choose to count it as PCT.     Almost none of the PCT was built by
through-hikers, and the most energetic maintainers tend not
to be through-hikers, with some exceptions of course.    I
think the same is mostly true for trail angels of various sorts.
The PCT was built both for a few users who could do a through-hike and for
many users who wouldn't.

What is true is that ADZ has always been for
through-hikers, in particular current-year through-hikers,
especially first-time through-hikers.  And it's still a
good idea for first-time through-hikers to start there.
Numbers are a strength in the beginning though perhaps a
nuisance later on.

I suggest that anybody who's done a through-hike before
really ought to do something different, for variety, and to
not be part of the pulse problem.  In a normal year a
southbound hike is still a real challenge, though it might
be the easiest way to go this year, but old habits die hard
and it sounds like relatively few people will exploit the
opportunity.  An even better idea - for people that
actually enjoy seeing the trail as opposed to getting
through it - and can deal with the economic issues of a
multi-year effort - would be to do it over four years, so
that each of the four northern sections can be done in
August when average conditions are closest to optimal.
Southern California will always be best in the spring, but
after ADZ one could go to Walker Pass or Kennedy Meadows
and go southbound to Campo, and pass through the pulse
without actually being part of it.     One could even relay
current water information to northbounders who have time to
hear it.

People who have finished a through hike have a variety of
reunion opportunities - ALDHA-West has been mentioned,
which tends to attract through-hikers.  The PCTA annual
meeting in the winter or spring attracts a more diverse
population of trail users.  There used to be a Crest Fest
event - the last one I remember reading about was at Old
Station one July - I don't remember whether organized by

I have taken random photos at four ADZ's, the last two as a
day visitor so as not to deprive a through-hiker of a
place.  This year, numerous better photographers have
published their work faster.  So it doesn't matter much
that, due to the press of other matters, I haven't gotten
my photos organized yet. But some people have already found
them in their unedited state at
http://pcnst.oakapple.net/recent/ and they can be compared
to the past at

On another thread, long pilgrimages tend to have an
unexpected spiritual aspect that sometimes surprises
participants, whether they are willing to acknowledge it or
not.    The spiritual aspect manifests itself in different
ways to different people.   Those who have or have not had
such experiences ought to express their PCT
stories here without judging or being judged by others
whose experiences were different.