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[pct-l] Rockies Ruck - A success!

The Rockies Ruck was a success. We had 16 people
total, not bad for something that started off as a
quick e-mail two months ago! 

Apparently those of us in the Rockies like to get
together with hikers, too! :)

Lots of slide shows and videos (a smattering of AT,
PCT and Colorado Trail), plenty of food and great
camraderie. Always nice to see hikers, swap tales and
be with people who "get it". 

Next year, we are going to try doing it at the
Leadville Hostel in Leadville, CO. Leadville is a
trail town of sorts of the CT/CDT.   Probably hold it
a little earlier (late Feb? Early March?) to
accomodate those who are starting the AT early. 

Want to thank not only the people who went but to
those who offered me some great advice on AT-L, PCT-L,
CDT-L, Whiteblaze and Trail forums. What a great
community we belong to!

After all the trail talk, after all the videos and
slide shows, and seeing all the great people from the
trail, I am ready to quit my job today and go hiking! 
(AND..after all the food this weekend, I probably need
to take a long hike!  :D)

With any luck, this will hopefully be an annual

The true harvest of my life is intangible.... a little stardust caught, a portion of the rainbow I have clutched