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[pct-l] Three Points Fire and Rain damage

Cupcake and I were driving around in the vicinity of Hwy 138 yesterday. We
decided to take a scenic detour on a road 3 miles east of the old Jack Fair
house that leads south to the Three Points Restaurant area. About a 5 mile
section including where the PCT (I think) crosses Pine Road shows evidence
that this area was under many feet of fast flowing rain water. Man the area
has been recently devastated by flooding.


Miles of burned out forest obviously contributed to this impacted low area
that now has water, mud and debris replacing what was once a beautiful
valley. This small country road had been cleared of all the rock, debris and
displaced earth but the remaining piles of residue all along the side of the
road tell a frightening tale. There is still water flowing across passable
sections of the road. 

