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[pct-l] ice axe and (oh no!) bear can

Hi  I know its been a while since I was up at KM but its a "Resort/Town"?
When I was up there it was a camp ground and Grumpy Bears was the closest
thing around for a store.  Has it grown that much?  Ground Pounder Bill
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt Bradley" <bodhisattvavow@hotmail.com>
To: "PCT-L" <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2005 6:48 AM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] ice axe and (oh no!) bear can

> Yes, those seem to be the places that most hikers would use to send and
> recieve ice axe and bear can.  This is referred to as the "High Sierra."
> And there are two Kennedy Meadows.  The southern one is a resort/town at
> base of the Sierra Nevada.  The second one is a ranch of some sort.  I'm
> sorry, I don't have the data handt for the specific location of each.
> Suffice to say that the horse ranch is futher north.  All of this info is
> Yogi's PCT Handbook (www.pcthandbook.com) which I highly reccommend.
>     There are several bear canister rental options available, one commonly
> used one is offered by the folks that make the BearVault.  check thier
> website.  BTW, this list has online archives that you can browse for more
> info on this topic.
> Peace and Love,
> Matt
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