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[pct-l] ice axe and (oh no!) bear can
Yes, those seem to be the places that most hikers would use to send and
recieve ice axe and bear can. This is referred to as the "High Sierra."
And there are two Kennedy Meadows. The southern one is a resort/town at the
base of the Sierra Nevada. The second one is a ranch of some sort. I'm
sorry, I don't have the data handt for the specific location of each.
Suffice to say that the horse ranch is futher north. All of this info is in
Yogi's PCT Handbook (www.pcthandbook.com) which I highly reccommend.
There are several bear canister rental options available, one commonly
used one is offered by the folks that make the BearVault. check thier
website. BTW, this list has online archives that you can browse for more
info on this topic.
Peace and Love,