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[pct-l] Re: priority mail reliability

>>On some occasions you can use plain old first class mail. 
instances where I did were between Mojave-Toulomne and
Echo Lake-Dunsmuir. The 'official' max time USPS will hold
a package is 2 weeks, so you can extend that 2 weeks by
keeping it in transit longer using first class mail.<<

First class mail is the same thing as Priority Mail in the 
case of parcels weighing over 13 ozs, and will travel at 
Priority Mail speeds and cost Priority Mail rates, 
regardless of packaging. First class mail under 13 ozs 
travels at "letter" speeds and costs $0.37 for the first 
ounce plus $0.23 for each additional ounce.

Suffice it to say, with maildrops the only two postal 
options are Priority Mail and Parcel Post. (Unless the 
package contains books, video, etc. in which case it can be 
sent for cheap (and slow) as Media Mail.)

- bf