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[pct-l] Re: priority mail reliability

Priority mail worked a-ok for me. I'll use it again. With a bit
of planning, you won't need to leave as little as 2-3 days,
you'll be picking it up in 7 days or more. The tightest mailing
for my drift box was between Toulomne and Echo Lake.

On some occasions you can use plain old first class mail. 2
instances where I did were between Mojave-Toulomne and
Echo Lake-Dunsmuir. The 'official' max time USPS will hold
a package is 2 weeks, so you can extend that 2 weeks by
keeping it in transit longer using first class mail.

On a comical note, a USPS clerk in Dunsmuir, CA equated
sending a package to Oregon the same as sending it to Mars.
I had no troubles in Oregon, though.


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