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[pct-l] Poison Oak

In a message dated 3/3/2005 5:09:28 P.M. Pacific Standard Time,  
msaenz@mve-architects.com writes:
<<<<<It's a bush while poison oak grows in  stalks>>>>>>

Here in the Sierra foothills, poison oak shows itself in a number of  forms.  
One particularly nice is almost like an ivy which crawls around and  over 
rocks.  It also forms dense shubbery ( with a two level effect, only  not too 
expensive) that grows in patches up to a dozen feet in diameter.   And the stalks 
come in several forms.... from little singles only  a foot  high to light, 
airy stalks two or three or more feet in length.  And it can  be quite brushy.  
The only protection is to know it well...  

"No Way" Ray  Echols