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[pct-l] Re: Forest homes was PCT/drought

you're right, it is a technical point, i will get back to you offlist and 
maybe we can redirect the discussion toward those technical points. My 
apologies to anyone on the list who felt i was arguing for that sake alone 
while not minding the generally respectful tone among members of this list. 
this discussion now goes off list...

> you arguing for arguing sake are very disrespectful and not technically 
> orientated at all, and this is a
> technical topic...yet you jest irreverently  jsut to get peoples' goat..
> so-- take it off line from now on if you insist on making your pathetic 
> points...such as
> 1- who are "they" waiting to leave!! you miss the point,
> 2- in fact there is a nest or two right outside my breakfast nook!
> 3- There is no such thing as "contihuous habitat" as most animals are 
> territorial and are far from contiguous
> in the forest, each has its out separate section! and tghere is no breakup 
> of contigous are..you anthropomorphize (sp?)
> in reality!
> 4- You make no logical sense in the remainder...it is as if you failed to
> comprehend that a new harmony has developed in 1/2 of 1% of human habitate 
> the
> forest is 800,000+ acres and we live on 80 or less...wow! you don't get 
> it...
> 100% of forests were cleared for cities for example...eg Tahoe, Telluride, 
> others for example...
> please take the answer I am sure you want to make off list to me...
> I will not respond anyfurther nor read on list your answers...
> as someone said this is not a flame list...please get your facts correct 
> first.
> At 01:36 PM 2/7/2005, Jeff Moorehead wrote:
>>sorry for the initial use of such harsh words, i didn't intend to single 
>>out you or any others-- 'flaming' isn't allowed on this list. obviously 
>>our opinions differ
>>the following excepts from your missive make my original point
>>1. Perhaps also you could come over and tell the (numerous)  deer, bear 
>>and squirrels, coons, possums and jays that visit us almost every
>>day and evening...
>>my point, perhaps they're wondering when you'll be leaving...
>>2. ...There are over 100 trees and NONE were cut down to build..if you
>>asked you might see the trees that go thru my deck and woodshed that we 
>>built around--
>>and all the birds that nest right in front of your patio breakfast 
>>3. Most owners here share the same philosophy as I, that we are honored 
>>and humbled to live in the midst of several hundreds of thousands of trees 
>>and dirt rather than concrete and artificial and decaying structures; 
>>wherein the real problems in our society reside.\
>>sorry this is exactly what i consider to be one of society's problems--
>>plain and simple, forest homes break up contiguous habitat and for many 
>>animals, it simply removes habitat, even though the few humans residing 
>>there are 'living close to the earth'.
>>4. All I do is clear 50 feet of brush around my home and I am pretty
>>fireproofed..and I have my
>>own 4000 gal fire-pond!
>>see your own point 2.
>>5. and while you are leaving please haul my al and glass  to the recycle 
>>yard as I uninvite you from my forest
>>from 'your forest'....??