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[pct-l] Forest homes was PCT/drought

with all DUE RESPECT:

I say hmmm..I and my friends have several 5 acre "scourge of forest homes" 
I worked hard
to buy over the last 25 years to be able to purchase/reside therein...
..and I am VERY angry at your uniformed and insensitive diatribe/choice of 
which I will share with some of my Mi Wuk friends...maybe they will visit and
enlighten you? And, I might add, we are only a few miles from the PCT that 
we clean up
regularly from some folks who just think it is a long garbage can...

Perhaps also you could come over and tell the (numerous)  deer, bear and 
  coons, possums and jays that visit us almost every
day and evening and some live in my wood shed that you said they should not 
here...There are over 100 trees and NONE were cut down to build..if you 
asked you
might see the trees that go thru my deck and woodshed that we built around--
(and burn wood in my $2000 EPA recycled wood burning 1 gram per cu yard low 

Most owners here share the same philosophy as I, that we are honored and
humbled to live in the midst of several hundreds of thousands of trees and dirt
rather than concrete and artificial and decaying structures; wherein the 
real problems in our society reside.\
All I do is clear 50 feet of brush around my home and I am pretty 
fireproofed..and I have my
own 4000 gal fire-pond!
Also come over and taste my organic tomatoes I grow fertilized from my 
compost piles
and while you are leaving please haul my al and glass  to the recycle yard 
as I uninvite you from my forest
so I can save more juice from my EV.

PCT/AT before you were born probably!

At 12:38 AM 2/7/2005, Jeff Moorehead wrote:
>John and Brett,
>Good thoughts about troubling issues. The other scourge of 'forest homes' 
>that people seldom consider is the effects of 'low density development'. 
>These houses destroy much more wildlife habitat than they appear to since 
>animals will avoid the area around the home. All so a single family of 
>humans can enjoy their home in the forest. Not good...
>Brett, I didn't mean to imply that native americans are destructive. Only 
>that they are not without some adverse effects to the ecology that existed 
>before humans made their appearance on the landscape. I know the buffalo 
>were deliberately exterminated by the US government in order to gain 
>control of the destiny of the Sioux and Cheyenne. And probably a more 
>terrible thing in comparison. Perverse even....  well by God let's keep 
>protecting what we still have!
>----- Original Message ----- From: "John Mertes" <jmertes@verizon.net>
>To: "Brett" <blisterfree@isp01.net>; "pct-l" <pct-l@backcountry.net>
>Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 6:36 PM
>Subject: Re: [pct-l] drought and its consequences along the PCT
>In one of the many environmental magazines I get, there was a recent
>article about forest fires throughout the west. Main point I remember
>from the article is that different forests and parts of forests have
>different burn patterns depending on local climate, drought, terrain,
>tree species, and so on. Some forests or parts are characterized by
>infrequent severe fires where everything burns, other parts may have
>milder more frequent burns. The fires are a natural part of the ecology
>of the forests. The natural world is always changing, our own desires
>not withstanding.
>IMHO: Biggest "problem" now is that people want to live in and adjacent
>to the forests. Yet these people don't accept the consequences of their
>decision -- being burned or having their property burned. In stead they
>expect the government (all of us) to put out the fires to protect them
>from the consequences of their decision. Also the government (us) to
>bail them out when they get burned. Similar situation with people who
>live on flood plains and ocean front.
>My 2?
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