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[pct-l] drought and its consequences along the PCT
Curious side-point...Forest Service always gets blamed for their past
practices but the biggest fires this country have had, burned before any
land management agency was formed. In Oregon, the biggest fires in its
recorded history were before statehood, let alone a land management agency.
> and now - the reason for more numerous fires, and more
> destructive crown fires that take generations for nature to
> heal, as opposed to small brush and ground fires that are a
> natural part of the ecology of western forest and range.
> Yes, nature's healing powers are remarkable, but we are also
> testing her in new ways. Will we, in fact, be here to
> witness the redemption? Interpret that last word any way you
> wish.
> Brett
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> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "JoAnn M. Michael" <jomike@cot.net>
> To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
> Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 1:53 PM
> Subject: [pct-l] drought and its consequences along the PCT
> Blisterfree,
> I beg to differ. Nothing is more forgiving than Mother
> Nature. This land, this world, this universe has been
> around for a whopping lot of years. Changes? Of course,
> nothing remains stagnant and lives. Has human-kind made
> mistakes, of course again. Has anyone lived a life
> mistake-free? And yet, look at any burn areas...I have been
> amazed, as to what I have seen in many, many places, as to
> just how fast Nature IS coming back...new growth of every
> kind, everywhere. Come back the same? maybe not. Would we
> want the same world that did-in the dinosaurs? Let's not
> for get the world was once a deep freeze and once a hellava
> big lake. Don't think we'd chose either of those as comfy
> living environments for we folks.
> Anyway, I'm sure I'll be 'shot down' by many listers but I
> am not and never have been pessimistic about Mother Nature.
> She's one heck of a gal. :)
> Thanks...JoAnn
> P.S. Please be aware I am not addressing the human tragedy
> of the various forces of Nature.
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