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[pct-l] Bugs
I used Repel's Lemon Eucalyptus last year. It worked
fine for me. I've also used it successfully in
Northern Finland where the mosquitoes and flies are
much more scarier than anything I saw on the PCT.
Lemon Eucalyptus is a plant based product but that's
not to say you can eat it. It advises not to get in
eyes or cuts, swallow, etc.
You can find discussions which talk about how 100%
DEET is safe because it will get diluted from your
sweat, etc. That's all fine to talk about in a
theoretical discussion but I decided I didn't want to
worry about trying to control it.
Maybe Lemon Eucalyptus will turn out to kill me but
I'll stick with it until I know something bad about
it. Also, I never had any problems with it eating any
plastic products as DEET will do.
Although I carried a tarp (with attached bug net)
from Campo to Canada, I really only used it once or
twice in the Sierra and then not again until the rains
hit when I was about to enter Oregon. So when the
bugs were bad at sleeping time I would just lay with
my head net on and later when it cooled off enough and
the bugs chilled out, I would take the head net off.
--- Matt Bradley <bodhisattvavow@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am new to the PCT-L and am planning a thru
> hike s to n this year. I am curious what people
> think about dealing with bugs in the areas where
> they are at their worst. I have done some hiking in
> the central OR Cascades in june and July and found
> the bugs to be almost unbearable. How many people
> carry chemical bug protection (i.e. DEET or
> Citronella), how many just use clothing, and for
> those who use a tarp, what do you do at night?
> Peace and Love
> Matt
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- References:
- [pct-l] Bugs
- From: bodhisattvavow at hotmail.com (Matt Bradley)