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[pct-l] Hiking North-South vs South-North
My friends and I are looking to do about a chunk of the PCT this summer,
and for logistical reasons we're leaning towards hiking it North-South
instead of South-North. We're planning to start near Castle Crag around
July 1st and end when we get out of the Sierras, probably about halfway
through August. Are there any advantages/disadvantages in hiking the
trail from north to south? Am I going to have trouble reversing the
guidebook's directions and stuff like that? I haven't been able to find
any, but are there any available guidebooks that describe the trail as
it runs from north-south? I'm a college aged first-time PCT section
hiker, make that first time California Hiker, and as I sit in my dorm
room up here in Boston where it's 3 degress outside I can't seem to
think about anything except my upcoming trip. Any input would be
greatly appreciated, thanks all,
-Sam Berry