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[pct-l] Technology on the Trail
Brett states in -v mode:
> Are we using technology out of fear or out of love? Consider
Umm, how about convenience or efficiency? Is it not possible
that it serves us in some positive, practical way? Is it not possible
that some technology may actually enhance our lives? Is it not possible
that technology frees us from the tedious, allowing us to have more
time to write self-indulgent emails to public forums? (such as this email :)
> And distraction alone would qualify as a hindrance.
Really? Books, pc's, mp3's, dvd's, books, etc, ALONE can be used as
distractions. Being the simple minded buffon that I am, I ENJOY
being distracted by these things on occasion and in no way find it a
'hindrance' in moderated doses. One might also interpet a thru-hike
as a distraction to delay one from pursuing a life that contributes to
the society in which they live.
My rocking chair is a WONDERFUL distraction and detracts me from
solving all the worlds problems!.
Anyways, Bretts right. I acted out of fear responding to a post. I'm
so embarrassed.
And also, my apologies in advance for saying anything that might not
be wholely intelligent (now or in the future). That's it, good night!
One more thing, I didn't think clearly before in my previous, previous
email, so, please excuse me for that. I didn't take my vitamins yesterday,
I'm just want to sincerely apologize if my existence offended anyone.
You'll find the letters p, c, t, scattered about in this email, so it's
still probably
a valid post.
ok, I'll just go now....
Scott ;)