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[pct-l] bounce box
KM is fine depending on where you want to send your box to after KM. In 2002, I mailed a Priority Mail box from KM to Tuolumne. When I got to Tuolumne 15 days later, the KM box had not arrived yet. I filed a forwarding address card and they sent my box ahead, but I really wanted it when I was at Tuolumne.
Victor Hanson-Smith <victorhansonsmith@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey all.
I'm still working on 2005 hike details. . .
This question is for past thru-hikers:
To which towns did you send your bounce box?
I mostly need to bounce my camera battery recharger and guidebook sections.
I'm thinking about this plan:
* Big Bear City
* the Saufley's
* Kennedy Meadows
* Tuolumne Meadows
* ... still working on the rest...
Any advice would be appreciated.
(Thanks to Yogi's PCT Handbook, I know where NOT to send my bounce box).
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