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[pct-l] Independance and hitching.
Independence is a great stop (extremely scenic pass) and easy to get into; a
little harder getting out unless there is traffic. There is a shuttle, but
costly unless you have a group going up at the same time.
Guess hitching is a matter of luck - and attitude. There are probably lots
of fabulous stories out there on the generosity of people. And others of
hitches from hell.
I remember cars streaming past at Sierra City, but not one stopped for my
wife and myself. Then I hid. That did it. The driver was nice enough to let
me in.
Then there was the road walk into Seiad Valley - every car stopped but we
insisted on walking the PCT.
Another long hitch with minimal traffic is Etna in Northern CA. But, seems
that whatever comes will almost always stop and getting out is easy. A
fabulous stop with a great grocery store.
Even Stevens Pass/Skykomish in Washington was easy to get into but we needed
to bribe the paper deliverer to take us back up to the pass.
Marshall Karon
Portland, OR
----- Original Message -----
From: "The Mountain Goat" <themtgoat@yahoo.com>
To: <sriprank@yahoo.com>; "pct mailing list" <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 8:10 AM
Subject: [pct-l] Independance.
> Yes, true, easy to get to, if you have a ride. I picked it,
> because, it was one of the farthest hitches...Farthest
> hitches
> are 10-20 miles. Medium hitches 5-10 miles. short hitches
> (or
> easily walk-ables) 0-5 miles.
> -Mountain Goat-
> Class of 2005
> www.geocities.com/pct_2005
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