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[pct-l] A rare moment in Kansas
- Subject: [pct-l] A rare moment in Kansas
- From: calliger at infolane.com (Richard)
- Date: Sun Jan 16 09:35:40 2005
When the Lourve moves to Kansas I will gladly go there.
Somehow an original Moent lilyfield does not compare to a corn stalk.
At 08:20 PM 1/14/2005 -0800, John Mertes wrote:
>I was born and raised in small-town (<1,000 pop.) and settled in Calif.
>35 years ago after college and navy. I still go back to visit my parents.
>The prairies, plains, etcetera have their beauty. Many people, even
>residents, don't appreciate that beauty. Too often beautiful landscape
>is defined as mountains or seashores. But as I've been away, I now more
>appreciate the beauty of the vast spaces between the Rockies and the
>Applachians. When I was young and live in the SF area, it seemed to me
>that more people there had been to Europe than to the mid country. pity.
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