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[pct-l] Finding leaks in air matteresses (was Big Agnes Horse Thief Bag)
On Sat, 08 Jan 2005 08:47:02 -0500, Mara Factor <m_factor@hotmail.com>
> ... Have you tried using the soapy water method to find the leak? Stir
> some dish soap into water (you don't want too many suds), and then paint
> it onto the fully inflated pad. The air trying to escape will cause the
> suds to bubble at the leak. (It was a PITA, but I managed all this in
> my tub - then used the shower to rinse it all off.) ...
Lemme tell you, the soapy water technique is even more fun in the field.
When it's freezing. When what's frozen (and is thawed by the warm water)
used to be mud. When your companions are anxious to leave but you have
to wait an hour for the cement to cure. Oh, yeah, I know that technique.
Jeffrey Neil Zimmerman
Sonoma County, The Left Coast