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[pct-l] Pack weight to body weight ratio...
way back when, when I was in scouts, they used to say that your pack
weight should be 1/3 of your body weight or less. These days everyone
pretty much agrees that the lighter you can get, the better. I can
tell you from personal experience that I can walk twice as far in the
same amount of time, and with less effort and less pain, carrying 15
lbs as I can carrying 50 lbs.
I've carried a multi-day pack as light as 12 lbs and as heavy as 70 or
80 lbs. These days, if I am simply "hiking", my pack is rarely heavier
than 20 lbs. Alternatively, if I am *climbing*, then my pack weighs
closer to 50 lbs.
As far as what is "scientifically" better or more efficient, I can't
imagine that any stidy in the world would say anything other
than "carrying lighter weight is easier on every part of your body from
knees to feet to back to shoulders, etc. If you look hard enough, you
can find studies on hikers' knees which may tell you something. I know
I've seen studies like these.
Hope that helps.
eugene, or
> Hey : does anyone have any thoughts about body weight to pack weight
> ratios , for optimum physiologic work while hiking?? I have tried to
> find some science on this to no avail ( so far ) Don ( malachi , trail
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