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[pct-l] Some help with my mother
Hey Elizabeth,
I'm toying with the idea of hiking the PCT this summer, so maybe I'll see ya out
there. One thing caught my attention. Your from the Virginia/West Virginia
area? I highly recommend attending the ALDHA Gathering in Pipestem WV if you
can. Its October 8-10 and is always a good time. Tons of AT thru-hikers and a
bunch of PCT completers are always there to put on slide shows, answer
questions and help in planning and gear. I went last year after finishing my
AT hike and had a blast. You might meet some other PCT dreamers too. As far
as the AT, Shenendoah National Park is a good place to train. Its a 100 miles
long and about as gently terrain as the AT allows, a good warm up for PCT
grading. All of Virginia on the AT is beautiful, you can't really go wrong.
As far as the issue with your mom, know that its totally normal. I went
through this exact problem with my mom before the AT. She hated the idea that
I was going and that I was hiking alone (and I'm a guy). The more knowledge
the better. Lend her a PCT book or watch a film about it together. Include
her in planning, maildrops etc. Nothing may help completely. My mom
completely changed her outlook when I got serious and the trip was coming to
fruition. When I was actually out hiking, she couldn't be more proud. Its
weird, but I guess thats just how moms are. Don't let it get you down, shes
probably never gonna really understand. Good luck !
Alex (A-Train)
Quoting Elizabeth Hoffman <betseylou@mac.com>:
> Hi there,
> I'm new to the list serve and I just wanted to say I've really enjoyed
> the first couple of weeks; most everyone seems to be knowledgeable and
> helpful. I have a couple of questions.
> First, I'm planning on starting the PCT this coming spring, possibly
> the end of March. I have lots of experience backpacking on extended
> weekend trips, (and a month in Italy, but that doesn't really count)
> however nothing even close to the amount I'm about to undertake. I'm
> 23, in good shape, and I've got my bag down to just under 20 lbs. My
> question is for those along the east coast (preferably near West
> Virginia): Do you know of any areas where I could spend one to two
> weeks hiking to get myself more prepared for the trip? I realize I
> should be doing at least 15 to 20 miles a day. I've thought about doing
> part of the AT; I'm just feeling out other possibilities.
> Second, I am having some trouble with my mother. She is prone to worry
> quite a bit and every time I even mention the PCT she looks ill. She is
> convinced I am going to either get attacked by a bear, raped or
> murdered. I love my mother, and I was wondering if anyone has any
> experience reassuring family members. Especially from a youngest
> daughter. (Yep, I'm the "baby.")
> I would appreciate any suggestions to one or both of my questions.
> Thanks!
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