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[pct-l] Some help with my mother
Marshall is right... Bears don't attack people except in specific
circumstances: (1) threatening a mother and her cubs, (2) being too
agressive and trapping the bear into a corner so that he thinks the
only way to escape is through you, (3) trying to get food away from a
bear, or giving him the idea that you want his food (very important
note: if a bear gets your food, its no longer *your* food).
Tell your mother the statistics about bear attacks in Yosemite (heard
from a ranger): to date, no one have ever been killed by a bear in
Yosemite. (14 people have been killed by deer in Yosemite, but you
might want to leave that part out for you mom. no sense in creating
new fears :-).
As for the murders and rapes on the trail, Judson is right: Much
greater chance of this happening at home. Whenever it does happen in
the wilderness its such big news that it gets alot of press, which is
why people get the idea that this is a threat. think about it... if
you were a murderer and wanted to find someone to kill, would you spend
all the effort to hike way out into the wilderness and sit there
waiting for someone to possibly come along the trail alone?? wouldn't
it be alot easier to just to go a bar and pick up some lonley person
who wants to go home with anyone?
> Hi there,
> I'm new to the list serve and I just wanted to say I've really enjoyed
> the first couple of weeks; most everyone seems to be knowledgeable and
> helpful. I have a couple of questions.
> First, I'm planning on starting the PCT this coming spring, possibly
> the end of March. I have lots of experience backpacking on extended
> weekend trips, (and a month in Italy, but that doesn't really count)
> however nothing even close to the amount I'm about to undertake. I'm
> 23, in good shape, and I've got my bag down to just under 20 lbs. My
> question is for those along the east coast (preferably near West
> Virginia): Do you know of any areas where I could spend one to two
> weeks hiking to get myself more prepared for the trip? I realize I
> should be doing at least 15 to 20 miles a day. I've thought about
> doing part of the AT; I'm just feeling out other possibilities.
> Second, I am having some trouble with my mother. She is prone to worry
> quite a bit and every time I even mention the PCT she looks ill. She
> is convinced I am going to either get attacked by a bear, raped or
> murdered. I love my mother, and I was wondering if anyone has any
> experience reassuring family members. Especially from a youngest
> daughter. (Yep, I'm the "baby.")
> I would appreciate any suggestions to one or both of my questions.
> Thanks!
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