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[pct-l] Ashland I-5 question

I suggest you meet at Castle Crags State Park at Castella (or at the store 
that is right there next to the Post Office). Most folks hike there rather 
than go directly on the trail. There is, however, a parking area for the PCT 
where it crosses I-5 (under the road) and there is a sign a couple miles 
North of Castle Crags. It is between Castella and Dunsmuir. Do not wait on 

Try this link for a map of Castle Crags - not sure if the trail at the right 
is the PCT or not. Most folks cross at the bridge on the left after walking 
the road East of the river.

And then, stick around and drop in to the Aldha-West Gathering on Oct 1-3 at 
the Clair Tappan Lodge on Donner Summit (www.aldhawest.org).

Marshall Karon
Portland, OR

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <DjgPct@aol.com>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 9:18 AM
Subject: [pct-l] Ashland I-5 question

> Hi y'all-
> I'll be going to meet Darrell in a couple of weeks.  I'm really excited!
> He'll have reached the border of California, and I plan to pick him up 
> just south
> of Ashland, OR, where the PCT meets I-5.  Never having been on that route
> before, I'm wondering what to expect and how we can be sure not to miss 
> one
> another.
> Can anyone tell me how the PCT crosses the hwy?  Does it go under?  Is 
> there
> any indication for drivers that the PCT is even there?  Will I see it 
> easily?
> I expect that if Darrell gets to the hwy before me, then it will be simple
> for me to see him if he waits by the side of the road.  But if I should 
> get
> there first, I'd like to park and wait in a spot that is easy for him to 
> get to,
> etc.
> I'd be grateful for any advice or suggestions that anyone has.
> Thanks so much!
> Betsy
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