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[pct-l] BearVault failure BV200 reportedly failed.
I spent some time in and around Cottonwood Basin (in PCT lingo, close to
Chicken Spring Lake), two weeks ago. When we picked up our permit at
the Whitney office, they had photos of the "approved" cannisters, and
the "non-approved" cannisters. The BearVault was shown as one of the
non-certified ones. I used mine (with the modified lid) because I was
certain that the rule makers were only concerned with the BV/old lid
combo. I guess I was assuming too much.
The only problem I experienced was that I packed wintergreen lifesavers
(individually wrapped) into the cannister with the rest of my food.
That was a major mistake, as dry salami and instant breakfast do not
taste as well with the added flavor of wintergreen.
The Mountain Goat wrote:
>You may remmeber a previous post about the BearVault BV100 failor.
>I talked to Ranger Roxian? In Kings Canyon and the BV200 repordadly has failed.
>She thought that the BearVault "MAY" loose its certification next year. FYI.