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[pct-l] pack weight vs hiking speed
I can testify I can go TWICE as far with half the weight in the Sierras. I
used to carry about 40 lbs. before lightening my tent, bag and other equip.
up and could only make it about 10-12 miles max. with regular up and down
before getting really tired, but since I got my pack weight down to about 22
lbs. I can put in 20-24 milers in the Sierra with regular up and down w/out
being super tired. Of course, I've put in additional miles both heavy and
light, and the additionals are tougher heavier than light obviously as well.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ken Powers" <kdpo@gottawalk.com>
To: "PCT-L" <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2004 3:15 PM
Subject: [pct-l] pack weight vs hiking speed
> I was just asked by a writer if I could give hard facts about how
> your pack weight affects hiking speed. Does anyone have hard facts that
> that they took off "x" pounds of pack weight and their hiking speed
> by "y" miles per day? I think most of us know lighter backpacks produce
> faster hiking, but I know I don't have any hikes that I hiked heavy, then
> hiked light.
> Ken
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