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[pct-l] Starting Belden -- Cascade Locks next week
Mountain Goat,
Don't count on hiking the PCT to cure your bug for hiking. Somehow hiking a
long distance trail seems to hook lots of people in wanting to hike another.
>From one who knows,
----- Original Message -----
From: "The Mountain Goat" <themtgoat@yahoo.com>
To: "Christopher Mills" <Christopher.Mills@law.duke.edu>; "pct mailing list"
Sent: Thursday, July 15, 2004 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Starting Belden -- Cascade Locks next week
> Yes, I think about the hike a lot of the time. Most of my gear is ready,
and now am saving for the trip. was a 9-10 day Die-Hard backpacker, but got
the PCT bug in 2003. For which there is but one cure. I will take the full
dose next year...
> Hopefully that will cure me. :-)
> -Moutain Goat-
> Class of 2005
> Christopher Mills <Christopher.Mills@law.duke.edu> wrote:
> Hi Mountain Goat,
> .... Am I to understand from your signature line that you'll be hiking in
2005? Enjoy!
> --Chris
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