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[pct-l] 30 degree bag on the JMT in September?
It depends on several things:
* do you tend to sleep "warm" or "cold"?
* will you be using a tent or tarp? (if a tent, what kind and will
someone else be in the tent with you?)
* is the bag clean and fluffy and still as warm as it was when new?
* some bags tend to perform better or worse than rated, do you have any
experience with yours?
* do you have extra clothes you can wear to sleep if you get cold? (ie:
down jacket, fleece, long underwear)
Having addressed all those issues, I have been on the JMT in September
twice(98 and 2001) and both times it was relatively warm: high 20's or
low 30's at night. Most of the JMT is at higher altitudes, so only
getting down to the 30's is really warm. Both times on the JMT, I used
a two-person tent and slept in the tent with another person, which
helps warm up the tent. The last time I was on the JMT, I used only a
small down blanket that I had custom made at www.nunatakusa.com that
weighs only 14oz. The night that I was the coldest was the night at
VVR in the hiker's tent. The other nights I was warmer, and one of
those was just out in the open with no tent.
> Hi there,
> Reading through the advice about the tent-issue in the Sierras, I
> wondered if you have any opinion on my sleeping bag?
> We are carrying a 30 degree bag with us for our hike of the JMT in
> September. Would that be enough, do you think?
> Saskia
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