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[pct-l] Followup Backpack Question
<<oooo...how cute..an expedition!! No--it is just an extended backpacking
Yeah, I think that was just a poor choice of words on her part, I know she
doesn't really see this as a true expedition--as in the "assault Mt.
Everest" variety. I think she just sees the trip as a whole (2000+ miles),
rather than broken up into smaller (although continual) backpacking trips.
<<you, as the male, will to more to support your partner--being that she is
female. So most likely you will need a 6000 ci pack while your partner
will, probably, only be able to carry a 1500-2000 ci pack.>>
Hee, hee--tickled my funny bone there. Hoo boy, remind me not to show her
your e-mail or she's liable to track you down and give you a what for :-D .
Seriously though, I will say that she can very easily hold her own on the
trail--very often carrying as much weight as me (she gets the bear can with
all the food). In fact, on one trip when I had a nasty bought of elevation
sickness, she ended up carrying all of her stuff, plus most of mine. By the
end of one particular day, she was carrying all the food, the stove and
fuel, the tent (poles and all), and the pots and pans--all on top of what
she was already carrying. No doubt about it, I wouldn't trade her as a
hiking partner for anyone in the world. Oops, sorry to get sentimental on
you there ;-) .
Anyway, thanks for the chuckle, definitely comes in handy when the craziness
of preparing for such a trip starts to wear on you.
-----Original Message-----
From: john [mailto:jmuielewicz@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 3:01 PM
To: SW
Cc: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Followup Backpack Question
On Thu, 27 May 2004, SW wrote:
> Hello again everyone--
> I've received so much great information from everyone since my last
regarding backpacks that I think it will take me weeks to follow through on
all the suggestions--but that is what it's all about :-).
Anyway, I have a follow-up question that I think I already know the answer
to, but I am curious to see how you all feel about this issue. This centers
around a debate raging right now between my trail partner and myself. Her
stance is that this long trek is in effect an expedition, and as such we
should carry packs (albeit, all with ultralight gear and using as light of a
pack as we can find) with a cu. in. range of 4800-5500 (especially to handle
all the food and water during times that we won't be able to re-supply). I,
oooo...how cute..an expedition!! No--it is just an extended backpacking
on the other hand, feel that as long as we are going as light a possible,
that also includes bringing only the basics--and thus, in theory, we should
not need that much capacity. I don't really know what the perfect capacity
would be, but I would say that a 2000 cu. in. pack wouldn't be out of the
question--with a 4800 cu. in. pack being the absolute largest capacity that
I would even consider at this point. Thoughts?
you, as the male, will to more to support your partner--being that she is
female. So most likely you will need a 6000 ci pack while your partner
will, probably, only be able to carry a 1500-2000 ci pack.
> Thanks again to everyone who has been so generous. You all are making me
feel like we can actually pull this little adventure off :-) !
your welcome.
> Shane
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