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[pct-l] VVR Resupply information in PCT Handbook
I would definitely not send a box to VVR. But, perhaps others should.
Here are my reasons. The store was really well
stocked when I was there, but I was near the front of the main pack
when I hit VVR on June 18 of this year. Lots of food, and the only things
in my box that were not at the store were a jar of Nutella and
a bag of mini Almond Joys. Picking up a box costs, I think $15 and the
food at VVR is about what you'll pay for it in Agua Dulce or Mojave.
If I thought I might be at the back of the pack, I would still not send
a box to VVR. First, most people send boxes to VVR, which increases
the chances of something being there. But, it could happen. Second, Reds
Meadow is close
by. I was eating a cheeseburger at 11 am the morning after I left
VVR. Reds Meadow can be a tough place to resupply, but again you
don't need much: At 5 pm the next day I was in Tuolumne. I can't imagine
showing up at an empty VVR store and not being able to get food: Casey
or Roy would find some food for you. A loaf of bread, a bit of cheese,
whatever. The people at VVR really are quality folks. I could
imagine starving in Belden, but not VVR. All you need is enough for a day
and half of
hiking. Plus, you could just get some food to go from the restaurant
there. Anyone who thinks Roy's food is somehow less appealing than
Ramen noodles or Liptons will have a fight on their hands quickly.
Which would you rather have for lunch the day after VVR: Two
package of beef ramen noodles, or a VVR burger?
Reds Meadow might be spare when you are there, but there
is also
a restaurant, where you could get food. In the worst case scenario,
just order a few sandwiches to go. Oh, and if the grill is out of
food too, just hop on the bus to Mammoth and get a quality zero day
in town, where there is a load of good beer and food.
If I were to hike again, I'd use 2 maildrops: Warner Springs and Kennedy
Meadows. But, I'm not terribly picky when it comes to food.
On Mon, 1 Mar 2004, yogi yogi wrote:
> Kennedy Meadows, VVR, and the Crater Lake Mazama store are places where
> previous hikers seem to disagree on whether to send a resupply box, or to
> buy food there. I suggest sending resupply boxes to these places.
> No Way Ray just posted that he suggests hikers do not send a box to VVR.
> That's all fine and good IF the VVR store has just restocked. However, if
> you're in the big wave of thru-hikers, and 3 or 4 other hikers have just
> resupplied out of the VVR store, then there will not be enough for you to
> buy. That's why I suggest sending a box.
> I've seen the VVR store when it was stocked well, and when it was completely
> cleaned out. If you don't send a box, you're rolling the dice. I'd rather
> go with a sure thing.
> yogi
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Christopher Willett
Department of Mathematics
Indiana University
831 East Third Street
Bloomington, IN. 47405-7106