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[pct-l] PCT Handbook reminder

I just spent a couple of days leafing through Yogi's notebook and watching 
the snow melt.  I heartily recommend it for all, not just people headed out in 
the future.  Part 2 will be especially useful for thruhikers.  The pages are 
guidebook sized and will make a great addition.  Information about where to go 
and who to see and what to do and where to eat...not just Yogi's choices but 
comments from other thruhikers.  My only caveat, which I have communicated to 
her, is that I think it not only possible, but best, to resupply at VVR from the 
store rather than a mail drop.  Of course, I resupplied at Cajon Pass with a 
dozen cheeseburgers for the trip to Wrightwood, so what would I know?  
BUT....get this book!!! 

"No Way"
Ray Echols