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[pct-l] Weather conditions August/Sept Oregon & Washington

Excuse me, but in 2003 I had four days of rain the second week of September
hiking from Mt. Adams to the Goat Rocks on the PCT. For a picture of the
sometimes miserable conditions, here is a shot of me trying to start a fire
in the downpour:


For Washington, ALWAYS bring rain gear and warmer clothing. Also, I always
bring fire starter since that may be the only hope you have of getting warm
in the rain.

Tom Griffin
Seattle, WA (where it is currently raining_
PCT Pages: http://staff.washington.edu/griffin/pct.html

> In 2003 the weather was abnormally dry and warm until October. This
> year has been shaping for a heavy snowpack and a late meltoff. The
> odds of a repetition of last summer's dry heat are slender, but not
> out of the question.