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[pct-l] snow training

At 01:58 PM 1/15/2004 -0800, Marshall Karon wrote:
>I believe most thru-hikers have the same concerns about snow and ice - until
>they go through it.

That's likely very true, but when you hit the High Sierra may be a factor.

I crossed Forester Pass (picture - 
http://www.virtualparks.org/scenes/ZdmATvXi9-q9ZBpQfXmltdA.html initially 
facing south) in the first week of June with only an ice axe and no 
previous training. I could see the tracks of around a dozen hikers who came 
up with many different ways to get down the snowbound north slope of 
Forester. (A few used their packs as sleds, it seemed.) So, in my case, I 
still have some concerns. Because I may have to finish up early, I plan on 
entering the Sierra even earlier. This time, I am taking crampons as well.

Concerns can be eased a bit by entering Sierra at the usual time (mid-June 
for a normal snow year).
