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[pct-l] start date
Every year is different. Ray Day is based on averages. If it is a low snow
year you don't need to wait for June 15th to go past Kennedy Meadows. Many
people do and don't have bad times at all. Your start date is only about a
week later than the Kick-off. Take some days off on the way if you must.
Going to the Kick-off is a blast - it is part of the experience. However,
you can find out about water caches other ways. Tough call, isn't it? You
could always go to the Kick-off and then go back to San Diego for some beach
time for a week.
Marshall Karon
Portland, OR
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Setzer" <Steven.Setzer@Colorado.EDU>
To: <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Wednesday, December 31, 2003 10:57 AM
Subject: [pct-l] start date
> I'm confused about when I should start my PCT '04 hike. I would like to
> go to the ADZPCTKO but it seems like that is kind of early. I've been
> reading trail journals and checking out itineraries and it seems like
> people who start at the end of April end up getting to Kennedy Meadows in
> very early June. Then, they have to fight with the snow. It seems like a
> better approach would be to leave around May 7 or so and get to Kennedy
> Meadows around June 15 (Ray day). Of course this all depends on the snow
> this winter. How important do you all think it is to go to ADZPCTKO
> to get trail info and info on water caches? How overrated is Ray Day? Do
> most people enter the High Sierra before June 15 anyway?
> Steve
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