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[pct-l] JMT trail closure in Yosemite
- Subject: [pct-l] JMT trail closure in Yosemite
- From: goslowgofar at yahoo.com (goslowgofar)
- Date: Thu Jul 17 17:29:14 2003
- In-Reply-To: <37.3b8c842d.2c457aad@aol.com>
Just got this from the park's mail list and thought
some of you might be interested...
The John Muir trail will be closed at the Clark's
Point and Mist Trail Junction for at least 48 hours.
National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior
Yosemite National Park Media Relations Office
P.O. Box 577 Yosemite, CA 95389
209 372-0248 phone 209 372-0371 fax
Yosemite News Release July 17, 2003 For Immediate
Significant Rockfall Closes John Muir Trail in
Yosemite National Park
A significant rockfall occurred in Yosemite National
Park at approximately noon today. The release point
was from the Panorama Cliff area and rockfall came
down on the John Muir Trail.
The rockfall impacted the trail roughly six
switchbacks above the John Muir Trail/Mist Trail
junction near the Vernal Fall Footbridge.
At least three visitors were injured in the rockfall.
A 33-year-old male sustained a head injury, a
30-year-old female suffered a leg fracture, and
21-month-old baby received unknown injuries.
The John Muir Trail is closed at this time. National
Park Service staff will assess the area for the extent
of the rockfall, the amount of damage to the trail,
and the safety of the area following the rockfall.
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