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[pct-l] RE: Food storage/Bear Boxes

> I just don't understand your fascination with trying to make thru hikers
> carry bear cans.
> Besides the fact that they are experienced wilderness visitors by the time
> they make it to bear country, there simply aren't enough of them to make a
> difference. Of the 200 or so that start in Campo, how many make it to the
> Sierra? A hundred?
> There are more clueless weekenders than that on the Rae Lakes loop on EVERY
> summer weekend, all densely packed into the regular camp sites; not to
> mention all the totally inept car campers.
> The effort you spend worrying about the food storage habits of thru-hikers
> would probably be much more useful if directed somewhere else.
> --
> Brick Robbins

	Personally, I think it should be a case where everyone, including
thru-hikers, are required to protect the bears and other wildlife by
properly storing their food. If that means bear cans are necessary, then
everyone carries bear cans. Thru-hikers should not be required to face
restrictions directed only at them, but neither should they be treated
as an elite who do not have the follow rules.


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	William O. Douglas
