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[pct-l] Trail Towns

People keep asking me to compare the PCT to the AT.  There is no comparison.  They are completely different animals.  This includes the towns paticularly the furture north you go.  There tend to be much fewer services in the towns  (and far fewer hostels) and because there are fewer hikers, the towns are not as geared towards dealing with hikers.  Don't get me wrong I met nothing but nice and helpful people in the stops I came to (although Belden was a bit bizzare).  But many simply view us as rather smelly, eccentric sources of business.  With this in mind (and this is not directed toward you personally Jeff) because there are fewer services in these towns we cannot afford to alienate those that are there.  It is not like on the AT where if one hostel gets fed up with dealing with inconsiderate hikers another will open in its's place.  In some of these places you only have one option and if they should decide they do not want to deal with hikers anymore because of what they consider inappropriate behavior then you, all the hikers behind you and those for years to come are going to be in a serious bind.  
Sorry if I got a bit heavy in my answer but last year I was near a pack of hikers who were often pissing off town folks and in Cascade Locks I was told by a motel to go elsewhere, that they were not going to deal with hikers ever again because of previous hikers.
Enjoy your journey.

Jack  PCT 01

>From: Jeff Smith 

>To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net 

>Subject: [pct-l] Trail Towns 

>Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 20:17:45 -0800 (PST) 



>Can someone give me the low down on the PCT trail towns? how do they compare to the AT trail towns? No i'm not retarded i realize the PCT isn't like the AT i was just curious about the Trail towns......thanks! 


> VXR 





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