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[pct-l] Fw: Garmin

There are a variety of eTREK's. I happened to purchase the one with the
built in Compass/Altimeter. BIG mistake. If you leave the GPS on you will
use a set of batteries every day. If you don't leave it on you will need to
carry a standard altimeter/compass. If you want to carry a GPS, the cheapest
eTREK is my recommendation. I found several on ebay for less than  $100
[personal navigator] and other models for less than $200.


Note on my use of the GPS: I am neither a thruhiker nor a weekender. I hike
1-2 weeks at a time and have a definite destination each day. I walk on
trails 98% of the time. I use an altimeter to know how many more damn
switchbacks I need to climb to reach the top or to identify my progress
along a gently ascending/descending river valley. In almost all cases an
altimeter and a map tell me where I am. In using a GPS I identify my
destination on Topo! and enter the coordinates in the GPS [way point]. If I
happen to do a cross country I plot the route in Topo!, then enter key
coordinates [way points] in the GPS. I certainly don't NEED a GPS and I
don't really see why a PCT thruhiker would want one. However, on one hike I
turned up sick and was struggling to make my destination. Because I was
unsure of how far we needed to go [A cross country was involved] we wasted
much time. With a GPS I would have saved an hour and much worry. 

-----Original Message-----
From: JoAnn M Michael [mailto:jomike@snowcrest.net]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 11:15 AM
To: pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net
Subject: [pct-l] Fw: Garmin

----- Original Message ----- 
From: JoAnn M Michael 
To: 'goforth@cio.net' 
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 11:10 AM
Subject: Garmin

...not sure where Tom got his price info. but my husband (who is a GOOD
comparision shopper) paid $250 in Oregon in December.

JoAnn again

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