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[pct-l] Mad Monte goes on the War Path again!!
My favorite subject, " User Fees" is in the headlines again!!! Whether you
support these fees or not , they are here to stay. The yearly pass to enter
Mt. Rainier park will increase 33% starting Jan.1st ( Going from 20.00 to
30.00 per year) Why bump it up an inch when you can take a mile is the mind
set of NPS mucky mucks!! Here in good old Washington state, we started user
fees in 1980 with the first ever entree fee into Mt. Rainier Park at 5.00. If
the public doesn't whine too bad, they spread like a virus to all the other
parks. ( Much as the 15.00 climbing pass spread to all other Cascade
volcanoes) A 33% increase in anything should be a big warning sign, whether
it's user fees, gas prices or frosted flakes!!! Expect other National Parks
to follow suit. This is another nail in my conspiracy theory of pricing the
public out of it's parks and public lands through user fees and quota's. If a
gallon of milk suddenly jumps 33% , there must be a shortage. Last time I
looked, Rainier was still as tall as ever and the park hadn't got any
smaller. Park Superintendent Jon Javis says, " I believe this is still an
exceptional value". He compares this fee to local ski-resorts which charge
40.00 a day. Humm???? Now add this fee to your 30.00 Northwest Forest Pass
and your other say " Olympic National Park Pass" or any of the other dozen
fee passes that you will need and you might as well join the mobs at the ski
slopes!! I am sorry but no matter how much sugar you put on they fees, they
still don't choke down well. The only good point is when I am 62, I can buy a
Golden Age Passport for 10.00 which is good for all federal fee areas. ( At
least for now!!) Critics of fees contend they keep visitors numbers down and
low-income families out. " America, land of the free, or is it, " Land of the