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[pct-l] Shoes
In a message dated 11/22/2001 12:01:59 AM Eastern Standard Time,
goforth@cio.net writes:
> You might ask if somebody has done the trail barefoot. All the same things
> apply, Are shoes necessary to thruhike?
I've personally seen 4 people hiking the AT barefoot, one in spots, one for a
450 mile section, (he had to buy flipflops to get into stores and
resturants), and two sisters, that thru-hiked it!
The guy that did it in spots was Moses and he looked just like him with the
long gray hair and beard and a long wooden staff, but wore farmer overalls
and a flannel shirt. The section hiker was named TyvekMan, his tent and pack
made of that material. The sisters, they were aptly named the Barefoot
Sisters, of course!
No doubt there are others out there, maybe even a horse!
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