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[pct-l] Barefoot, was New Balance 804's
In a message dated 11/21/2001 3:37:31 PM Eastern Standard Time,
lightningbolt94@hotmail.com writes:
> Geez. you guy's sure can't interpret a southern boy's story very well or
> you would have understood the hidden meaning in that I hike barefooted
> now
I'm pretty sure it's been mentioned here before, but there were two sisters
from Maine, that yo-yoed the AT during the past two years. South to
Georgia, then north to Maine, they hiked atleast a lenght of the trail
barefoot under all conditions.
Looking at their packs, they had to be 40 pounds or more! It's funny how
some worry about getting their packweight down, then fuss about which shoe is
They spent 14 months on the trail and no doubt had great time. I think
there's a saying for that!? <vbg>
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