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[pct-l] New Balance 804's
- Subject: [pct-l] New Balance 804's
- From: Tom Rogers" <tom-rogers@home.com (Tom Rogers)
- Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 22:21:59 -0800
Just picked up some NB 804's on sale for my next long hike. I'd =
appreciate any input on how long I might expect a pair to last and how =
they fail. In general, do they fade away gradually so you can program =
when to have a new pair in a resupply, or are there instances of =
catastrophic failures where you had to limp into town on duct tape.
Hey Brian, great to have you back on list. I hope you can find the time =
to share some of your well earned wisdom on this list.
I, for one, value what I can learn from the experiences of others, not =
just Brian, but anyone who has walked the walk. And I don't criticize =
anyone until I've walked a mile in his shoes. That way, if he gets =
angry, I've got a mile head start, and I've got his shoes.=20
happy trails, Hobbit=20
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