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[pct-l] Trail Food
My point is that Brian's diet was far from ideal by normal standards.
Salmon and other fish are loaded with Omega 3 oils and have good cholesterol.
( As opposed to the bad cholesterol found in Beef Organ meats like liver and
heart) Brians diet served him well and you can't argue with his success.
Peanut butter and Snickers Bars don't have many organic enzymes, but that
didn't seem to slow him down. As I stated before, no such word as a bad
calorie!!!! ( Snickers, pizza and even salted prunes are all hiker fuel to
burn) It doesn't need to be named " power Bar" with millions of advertising
dollars thrown it's way to work. Brian found a system that worked well and
was low-tec. I would say anyone who ate as Brian did, would fair well. (
Unless you are a diebetic) High carbs, High energy, High Fat!! ( Even
Jardine's pastie corn mush, if you can get by the gritty texture of 4 day old
Fritos laying in a mud puddle for 6 hours would work!!) Calories are fuel
and the more the better. ( And your body ain't picky!!!!!!!!! Get It???)