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[pct-l] Bears and cars
In a message dated 8/30/2001 7:06:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
mardav@intlaccess.com writes:
> We were hiking the PCT out of Tuolumne towards Glen Aulin this summer, along
> the
> pavement that is lined with hikers cars for nearly a mile. We noticed that
> every
> single car contained some sort of food, food trash or cooler visible from
Last year, I parked in this area at the end of the road closest to Glen
Aulin. I thought I cleaned out the car completely from visuals and put food
and "smellables" in one of the bear boxes adjacent with nothing but gear in
the trunk. I returned the next morning to find a written warning on the
windshield from a ranger. A further warning and the car would be removed.
I was aghast!
It seems I left a well use Gatorade water bottle behind the front seat. The
car was dusty from traveling many dirt roads and there were definitely paws
prints on the trunk, but I couldn't determine from what species.
Thru-hiker or Bear, I don't know, after driving cross country, the car
probably smelt like fast food restaurant!
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