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[pct-l] Maps on HikerTrash.net
- Subject: [pct-l] Maps on HikerTrash.net
- From: PT@HikerTrash.net (Tony Nitz)
- Date: Thu, 30 Aug 2001 17:34:34 -0700 (PDT)
I just had the opportunity to take a town break, and
catch up on all my e-mail. I noticed that someone
suggested I be contacted about the incorrect routing
of the PCT in Delorme's Topo USA v3.0. I just wanted
to assure anyone who may wish to use the maps I've
posted that I've drawn the PCT route myself, using
guide books and personal knowledge of the route, and
did not use the built in trail route. You will notice
that frequently my solid red line diverges from
Delorme's dotted red line. Follow my solid line! I
didn't take the time to erase the dotted line on every
map, yet. Of course, if anyone notices any mistakes
I've made, please tell me and I'll update the posted
maps, after I finish hiking to Canada, that is. The
Oregon maps I've produced have proven very accurate
and useful to me on this hike so far, and those few
other hikers I've met and hiked with have offered
their approval.
Delorme knows I've posted these updated maps, and are
not complaining. I have suggested to them that they
should produce a Trail Gazateer in the format I'm
using, though. You can view or download them at
Hope this clarifies any concerns anyone had. Thanks
for all the input so far.
OR&WA 2001
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