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[pct-l] Trail Angel Business
Last year Tom and I stayed at Hiker's Oasis. Paul and Pat are wonderful
people. Pat had a death in the family so we stayed on a couple of days to
help him (as did Meadow Ed and a couple of others) with the deluge of hikers
staying with him. While there were some who were happy to help out, many
just took advantage of them and moved on. Paul and Pat open their place
without a thought of anything but helping the thru hikers have a restful day
or two..they have no expectations of being reimbursed. However, does anyone
realize that many of the trail angels are retired and on fixed incomes? It
appeared that offering them something for their hospitality didn't occur to
many and I was dismayed to see so many leeches. A couple of bucks for gas
when Paul drove people to their slack packing trail head then picked them up
when they were finished..or being picked up at the trailhead then dropped
off after a couple of days of food and rest. I am not referring to ANYONE
who understands what trail angels really are about and do show their
gratitude in some way(it isn't always about money). I know when someone
takes off work to hike money is tight but think of how tight it must be for
the trail angels who support the hikers every year. They truly are angels
when they work hard at their own expense to make your hike a little easier.
And now I hear Paul and Pat are building another "better" place for all of
you. This is something they truly enjoy and it gives them pleasure to have
you all stop and share your hike with them. I never heard a negative word
out of Paul or Pat. I don't think they know how to complain.Wouldn't it be
nice if everyone who has had the pleasure of their hospitality in the past
could show them how much they are appreciated? If they are in the process of
building another place..it is at their own expense..we could all find a way
somehow to help them with a project that is for us in the first place.
I don't want to ignore any of the trail angels, they are all wonderful help
the hikers. The Middletons, Donna at Aqua Dulce..and every angel who opens
their homes to a bunch of tired, hungry (not to mention smelly..sorry it is
the truth)hikers. They accommodate so many just because they are nice
people. It has to have an impact on their personal finances. I wonder if
anyone ever thinks of that? This isn't a lecture, even though it sounds like
one..my only experience was at Paul and Pat's and I was surprised by some
the rudeness displayed by some(not everyone..so don't start firing heated
emails to defend yourselves..that is not necessary),and I know there are a
few in every crowd but I had no idea there were so many. Maybe everyone just
gets so involved in their hike they don't see past their boots, but it is
food for thought. These angels don't think about being repaid, but wouldn't
it be a nice surprise for the angels to be on the receiving end sometime. I
JUST THINKING ON PAPER:>) I want to believe that what I witnessed was not
the norm and there just happened to be extra children on the trail last
I expect to be fired at for this so take your best shot. And, no, I have not
done a thru hike so I am sure I have no idea what I am talking
----- Original Message -----
From: JohnFayeNeff <NeffJ@email.msn.com>
To: <TOKTAADN@aol.com>; <pct-l@mailman.backcountry.net>
Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] Trail Angel Business
> Solar Bear, I do know that both Pat and Paul and the Middleton's offer
> through hikers and equestrians their homes, and facilities absolutely
> of charge. Both couples are extremely welcoming and offer a most welcome
> respite from the trail. "The Hiker Oasis" and the "Pink Motel" are terms
> that are used in order to distinguish the locations and are not connected
> any way to a business. Saufly's are another stop that comes to mind, but I
> can't speak of them personally as I didn't make it that far. But Donna
> made arrangements for me to have feed delivered to her place and had a
> horseshoer all lined up for me, plus had made arrangements for me to have
> horses at her neighbors. All this for a person she never had met, except
> for 2 minutes at that ADZPCTKO!!
> Crest Rider
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