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[pct-l] Trail Angels from the Past
Hey Old-timers,
Speaking of Trail Angels. Do any of you remember the Welders in Acton CA?
My Cousin, Garry, and I attempted to thru-hike in '82. We made it as far as
the town of Mojave and than headed north and hiked WA. In those days the
temporary trail passed through Acton. There was a note in the regester at
the post office inviting hikers to visit the Welder's home.
My cousin had been bitten on the ankle by something. His ankle was swollen
and walking was difficult. We stayed at the Welder's place for two days
waiting for it to heal. Ben and Shirley and their family made us feel right
at home. We camped in their back yard and showered in their home. They
even fed us a delicious dinner one night.
After two days, Garry and I decided that it would be best if I went on ahead
without him. He would hitch-hike ahead and intercept me at a town stop
ahead. He didn't have to hitch. Ben and Shirley insisted on driving him
all the way to Lake Hughes!
One of my greatest regrets is that I never contacted them after the trip. I
would have liked to at least have thanked them for their hospitality. Does
anyone know where they are? I know that many hikers stopped at their place
that summer. Chris Townsend (the author speaking at the ALDHAW gathering
this year) and his group were at the Welder's when we arrived. Please
contact me if any of you have any info about these Trail Angels.