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[pct-l] Fires

A report from Yosemite states:

A National Interagency Fire Use Management Team took over management of the 
Hoover Complex of fires yesterday morning. This complex comprises 4 small 
fires and one larger fire in Yosemite's backcountry. They are being managed 
under Yosemite's FIRE USE program. This strategy allows some lightning-caused 
fires to burn under a very specific set of guidelines. After decades of fire 
suppression which has compromised forest health, wildland fires are being 
allowed to burn while being monitored. FIRE USE allows natural fires to be 
used as a tool to promote forest health. Fires consume dead fuels, promote 
nutrient recycling, and increase habitat diversity."

I fully support this limited fire suppression policy and believe that it 
should be applied throughout the NFS, Wilderness areas and BLM land.

Best regards,

Greg "Left Brain Damaged" Hummel

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